Coming up With Story Ideas as a Journalist During the Pandemic

Sarah Knieff
2 min readApr 7, 2020

Reading a newspaper, listening to a news station on the radio, or watching news on TV, will lead to an overwhelming amount of stories about the pandemic and Covid-19.

Yes, I think stories related to the virus need to be shared to keep the general public informed, but how much do people want to consume on this topic?

Do people just want to read about the pandemic or do they want to read about other important topics and light hearted stories?

Being a journalist, I have come across this conundrum many times as of late when trying to think of story ideas.

I don’t want to contribute to stressing people out by only writing about the virus, but I also don’t want to seem ignorant to what is happening in the world.

In my opinion I think there needs to be a mixture of topics related and unrelated to Covid-19 to allow those who want an escape a chance to read about something else.

I had two new article assignments I had to come up with story ideas for and my ideas for both of them showcase good deeds being done while relating to the virus. This way I can show people that good things are still happening in the world right now.

Side note:

Actor John Krasinski just started a YouTube news series titled “Some Good News,” where he shares only good news about the virus. I have watched all his current episodes and they lightened my mood. I recommend it to everyone because we all need a emotional boost right now!

